Video Visitation
Jefferson County offers The Visitor™ video visitation system which allows friends, family members and professionals the control to schedule and conduct video visits at a time convenient for them and avoid wasting time waiting in long lines or traveling to the facility.
Video visitation replaces traditional face to face visits on visitation telephones through a glass partition with visitation through video kiosks and are conducted with the detainee never having to leave their housing unit while the visitor can choose to visit onsite at the facility or offsite from anywhere.
All adult visitors must register (at no cost) in order to participate in a video visitation session with an detainee at this facility.
Visitation Guidelines
detainees currently have the ability to connect with family and friends through online visitation. Family and friends may go to http://www.icsolutions.com to create an account to receive video visitation calls from a detainee. Assistance may be obtained by visiting IC Solutions Registration and Scheduling Guide.
Help with Registration & Scheduling
System Requirements & Setup for Video Visitation
Visitation Schedule
Visits can be scheduled from 7 am to 9 pm M-Sunday
No visits are allowed during the hours of 5 am to 6 am/5 pm to 6 pm or after 9 pm.
Visitation privileges are available to all detainees. Visitation privileges may be restricted due to the misbehavior of the detainee, visitor, or for the security of the jail.
Visitation Rules
- Visitors must be at least 18 years of age or have their parent or legal guardian present
- Visitors must be appropriately attired for the duration of the visit
- Inappropriate sexual activity, nudity, acts that are criminal in nature, drug/alcohol will not be tolerated and may result in the termination of the visitor and suspension of future visits.
Attorney Visitation
To expedite attorney-client visitation and prevent disruption to the jail operations, advance scheduling is required. The attorney of record may schedule a visit
No visits are allowed during the hours of 5 am to 6 am/5 pm to 6 pm or after 9 pm.
Any exceptions must be approved prior by the Jail Administrative staff.
- Attorney must provide photo identification upon request prior to meeting with client. Attorneys should be aware that any items that enter the jail are subject to search, to include briefcases or bags.
- Attorney may allow paralegals, investigators, law students, or expert witness to visit with prior approval by Jail Administrative staff.
- Attorney visits will be held in an area that will place the detainee on one side and the attorney on the other side,. Conversation will be made by using the phones in the visit area. The phone are not recorded and will be considered confidential and privileged.
- There are no contact visits allowed without a court order and prior approval.
Prohibited items include:
- Weapons of any kind i.e. knives/lighters/firearms/ammunition/tobacco/any other smoking device
- Laptops may only be used for legal purposes—such as a review of Discovery