Community Survey

You will be assisting the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office by providing useful information concerning our community and how service to our citizens can be enhanced.

Please select the response that most accurately reflects your opinion for each statement. When completing this form, it is not necessary that you provide your name or address as anonymous submissions will be accepted. When completed, please press the Submit button.

Fields marked with an * are required.

How would you rate the Sheriff's Office overall performance? *
How would you rate the Sheriff's Office Employees overall performance?*
How would you rate the Deputies attitudes and behavior?*
I feel safe and secure within the Sheriff's Office jurisdiction.*
The Sheriff's Office does the best job it can against crime in my neighborhood. *
I feel there is a good chance of having my house or apartment broken into.*
I feel there is a good chance that I will be the victim of a crime against my person (mugging, assault, etc.) in my community.*
I feel there is a good chance that I will be the victim of a property crime (theft, burglary, etc.) in my community.*
Do you have any suggestions or recommendations for improvement?