Fingerprinting services are for in-county residents for employment, CCW, or background checks.
Fingerprint hours are Monday – Friday from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM. at the Main Headquarters and the North Zone Locations..
You will need a valid Driver's License. There is a fee of $10.00 per fingerprint card. That $10.00 must be paid in exact change or by check. Credit cards are accepted at the JCSO main Headquarters ONLY.
Some employers/agencies require fingerprints through the Missouri State Highway Patrol. You can contact the MSHP through their website at or call COGENT at 1-877-862-2425. Please check with the employer/agency requesting fingerprints prior to coming to the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office.
*We DO NOT fingerprint for Nursing, Teaching, or Child Placement for State Cases.
For questions about Fingerprinting, please call (636) 797-5512.